The Vice Guide to Liberia

This Christmas, I give you the gift of knowing you don't live in Liberia.

St. Vincent

Wish I was here when she played the folk fest, she's amazing.

Genghis Tron

love this song... the lights they have going on stage are sweet.

New chair from Herman Miller

Using recycled materials, this chair represents the evolution of seating not only from a comfort standpoint, but indeed a sustainability standpoint. $5000.


saw these pictures here

James Paterson

Been thinking about drawing again recently... This guy is an awesome artist/illustrator who also does a lot of cool flash/motion stuff with his work. I really like his line, and how he balances the cartoony with the grotesque. I know a lot of illustrators do it, but I think he does it well. I discovered his work a few years ago and just randomly thought of looking him up again. check it. James Paterson–Presstube


TASE part 2

Sculpture–Cindy Santa, Sculpture–dunno who, kyle, caf.

Kenna – stop motion music video

You might have heard of this guy from Malcolm Gladwell's book "Blink". I actually found out about Kenna back in 2001 because he was on Fred Durst's record label. Meant to cop his debut album but never did, because it was delayed for 2 years. This is the first music video that album. The song is set to a short stop-motion animated film called "More", and it's totally amazing. Check it.

Kenna - Hell Bent (Official Music Video). Watch more top selected videos about: Kenna

Dimmu Borgir

Seeing them next week. Stoked. Watch the video for its entertainment value...


the art school experience.

This is Spinal Tap

Probably going to do one of these two clips for our next rich media kinetic type project. Classic.

Gangsta Greek

Lorizzle ipsizzle dolor i'm in the shizzle amet, fizzle adipiscing phat.

Gangsta Greek generator for you designers.

via TWBE


Saw this on Friday. Pretty good.

Art and Copy

I watched this documentary the other day. All the kids in advertising class have probably seen it, but it's basically a bunch of interviews with famous ad people talking about their careers. My favorite part was about Nike's "Just Do It" campaign. Apparently the inspiration for it came from an article about a death row prisoner who said to the firing squad "lets do it!". They were talking about the response to the campaign, and how they were getting letters from all these people about how they decided to get divorces after seeing "Just Do It". I found it funny that people needed a Nike ad to realize their marriages were bad. Thanks Nike! The extremely cheesy ads for Ronald Reagan's election campaign were pretty funny too. An interesting watch.


I've spent many hours at Chapters in the past weeks, looking for inspiration and an excuse to use my 20% off coupon. Wish I had it when I bought that brand identity book though. $54. Aside from that there's some pretty interesting stuff in the bargain bin...

Listen to this.

Genius. A new era in music has dawned.

Glass sign maker

Makes you wonder what's so great about Swiss design.

David A Smith - Sign Artist from Danny Cooke on Vimeo.

via Hypebeast

Breast Tooth (Mastodon)

In lieu of photos or schoolwork, I bring you music videos. "Masto-don" comes from the Greek words for breast and tooth, and this video comes from the band Mastodon. In case you weren't into dinosaurs and stuff as a kid and are wondering why a band would call themselves "breast tooth" in Greek... mastodons were elephants that lived in north America a long time ago.

Mastodon "Oblivion" music video from Symphony 19 on Vimeo.


The song was "a mistake" made to please the record company... but I like it for some reason, lyrics and video aside.

Russia 100 years ago in color

Some of you might know about's photo blog "The Big Picture". It's updated regularly with photos from around the world, focusing on current events. It's pretty amazing. The newest entry contains photographs taken in Russia between 1909 and 1912.

These pictures are amazing. They look like they were taken 5 minutes ago with a digital camera and someone has just uploaded them onto the internet. 100 years doesn't seem like a very long time when you see these.

Check out The Big Picture 

Another day

Another roll of film.

After reading how the photographer Henri Cartier-Bresson would walk around back in the day with his camera set to 125 on the shutter and just adjust the aperture to get the right exposure, I tried shooting most of the pictures the same way.

Downtown, crashed fighter jet, garden, 5 AM hike... and a burnt down house we found in front of a lake after being lost in the forest for a few hours on said hike.

The past

Saw this sitting on a shelf in a room in our house that we never use.

This will brighten your day.


Plus: A special bonus rainbow!


So after two months, I finally finished it.

rollin pt1

I just realized that a 4x6 print has up to a quarter of an inch cropped off the sides compared to the negative. For example, looking at the negative of the 6th photo, his foot is actually inside the frame, and there is twice the distance between the wheel and the edge of the picture. I checked my negatives from before, and from other labs, and all the prints cropped, even the scans on CD. The only part of the print that is negligibly cropped is the top of the negative frame. This makes no sense. The size of 35mm film is 24x36mm which is a 4 by 6 ratio... why are the prints cropped so much?. Put the picture in a frame and you're losing almost half an inch of the original image on the sides. Imagine every page in a magazine has been cropped an inch from the bottom, top, and side for no reason. That way, every article is unreadable and the magazine is worthless! It would be awesome!